

Dr. Arendt has been providing Eyota Amb. Leadership Since 1995

Upcoming Events

Monthly Meeting: 2nd Monday of every month



Feb 12, 2024 6:30 PM Administrative meeting, 7:30 PM Education

March 11, 2024 6:30 PM Administrative meeting, 7:30 PM Education

March 12, 2024 Township Annual Meetings

April 15, 2024 6:30 PM Administrative meeting, 7:30 PM Education


Fast Facts

- Eyota EMS is an all volunteer ambulance crew

- Serves this community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without fail. They are your neighbors, friends, church members, and families.

- Eyota EMS covers over 130 square miles of SE Minnesota, including many busy roadways, 2 cities, 9 townships, a large County park, and many acres of rural landscape. Whether it's a trama, accident, farm injury or medical emergency, we're there.

- Eyota EMT's are not only State Certified but to also Nationally Certified. This means you benefit from their skills and additional training.

-Our drivers are certified to drive emergency vehicles. Our drivers are also fantastic resources on emrgency calls as part of our team.


 "As the Director I can attest that this groups is remarkable in every way. They are true citizens and selfless volunteers." -Dr. Christopher Arendt 

The Star of Life

 The Star of Life is the universal symbol for Emergency Medicine. It features a 6 point star and the Rod of Asclepius. 

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I'm tired too, but together we can.

COVID 19 has interupted every one of our lives. And yes, I'm frustrated too with masks, distancing, lack of products, and growing divisions.  But I also see the need, value, and merit to what has occured to protect our familes, communities and ourselves.   This virus is real. I see the gasping for air, and massive inflammatory reactions it causes.  This is "not just the flu".  Not everyone will get it, but that is true for every virus.  The fact that it is preventable, and that we can reduce hospitalizations and death, though the knowedge and application of science is amazing and due our respect, not distaine.   Preventative measures save lives ( If you don't believe it why stop at cross-walks, wear seat belts, go to a dentist, or drive sober).  So I'll make this short and simple.   If not for yourself, then please get in line, get your shot and follow the current rules, because your own kids, parents and loved ones could get hurt if you don't.  Is the risk worth taking?   Get educated, find the facts ( not from social media pariahs or doom's day Nostradamus followers). Use reputable sources from the FDA and CDC.  Ask your physician to help you navigate the facts if you are unsure.    Eyota Ambulance is there to help when you need it most. Help us protect the community and not hasten anyones demise. Take the shot, it means alot.