

Dr. Arendt has been providing Eyota Amb. Leadership Since 1995

Upcoming Events

Monthly Meeting: 2nd Monday of every month



Feb 12, 2024 6:30 PM Administrative meeting, 7:30 PM Education

March 11, 2024 6:30 PM Administrative meeting, 7:30 PM Education

March 12, 2024 Township Annual Meetings

April 15, 2024 6:30 PM Administrative meeting, 7:30 PM Education


Fast Facts

- Eyota EMS is an all volunteer ambulance crew

- Serves this community 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without fail. They are your neighbors, friends, church members, and families.

- Eyota EMS covers over 130 square miles of SE Minnesota, including many busy roadways, 2 cities, 9 townships, a large County park, and many acres of rural landscape. Whether it's a trama, accident, farm injury or medical emergency, we're there.

- Eyota EMT's are not only State Certified but to also Nationally Certified. This means you benefit from their skills and additional training.

-Our drivers are certified to drive emergency vehicles. Our drivers are also fantastic resources on emrgency calls as part of our team.


 "As the Director I can attest that this groups is remarkable in every way. They are true citizens and selfless volunteers." -Dr. Christopher Arendt 

The Star of Life

 The Star of Life is the universal symbol for Emergency Medicine. It features a 6 point star and the Rod of Asclepius. 


2-4-6-8 Who do I appreciate?

In 2023 I was thankful for fewer COVID cases, and strong teamwork by the ambulance crew. In 2024 I have an eye to the future of  emergency service, but in doing so I must reflect on the past.  I recognize the success of Eyota Volunteer Ambulance is due to the amazing volunteers, and the teams that came before us and secured Eyota Ambulance as a resource for their community.  People like Marian Pries, Kinda Kingsley, Bob Potter, and of course the Ruth Merchelwitz family are names we should remember who made the decision to commit their time and energy to the formation of an ambulance service.  Julia Mason, former city clerk, helped the service in its most vulnerable times to help Alfred Schumann and a brave new Board of Directors to create the Non-profit organization we are today, acting as the "Instrumentality" of the commities and cities we servce.  The generosity of our community members and organizations, like the Eyota American Legion, ST. Pauls UCC Womens group, Viola Gopher Gals, Donna and Wes Bussel, Our Saviors Lutheran Church,  The Dover Eyota School District, Simpson Auto and Brian Simpson for keeping the machines running in tip top form, James Nigon for keeping us insured and safe, the township and city clerks, the Mayors and Supervisors of townsips and Cities, and the multiple generous members of our community too numerous to add.  To all of these people I say thank you.  Of course it could not be possible without the amazing ambulance crew we are so fortunate to have, the medical direction of Dr. Klassen and Dr. Bryce, and the surrounding mutual aid under the directorship of stong community advocates in Chatfield (Rocky), St. Charles ( Matt), Elgin ( Deb) and Rochester ( Kate), as well as the SE EMS consortium under the direction of Don Hauge. 

So what is this vision of the future?   That I will share in my next message. Cheers- Chris


I'm tired too, but together we can.

COVID 19 has interupted every one of our lives. And yes, I'm frustrated too with masks, distancing, lack of products, and growing divisions.  But I also see the need, value, and merit to what has occured to protect our familes, communities and ourselves.   This virus is real. I see the gasping for air, and massive inflammatory reactions it causes.  This is "not just the flu".  Not everyone will get it, but that is true for every virus.  The fact that it is preventable, and that we can reduce hospitalizations and death, though the knowedge and application of science is amazing and due our respect, not distaine.   Preventative measures save lives ( If you don't believe it why stop at cross-walks, wear seat belts, go to a dentist, or drive sober).  So I'll make this short and simple.   If not for yourself, then please get in line, get your shot and follow the current rules, because your own kids, parents and loved ones could get hurt if you don't.  Is the risk worth taking?   Get educated, find the facts ( not from social media pariahs or doom's day Nostradamus followers). Use reputable sources from the FDA and CDC.  Ask your physician to help you navigate the facts if you are unsure.    Eyota Ambulance is there to help when you need it most. Help us protect the community and not hasten anyones demise. Take the shot, it means alot. 


Dinosaur Driver Alert!

Thanks to the crew who let this dinosaur drive the ambulance!  I've read the book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! So I would also offer up, DON'T LET THE DINOSAUR DRIVE THE AMBULANCE!- Thanks for the fun!


Support your Local Ambulance Service

Have you ever been without water or electricity?  Did you ever experience it for more than a few hours, as in a few days?  Did you feel less safe, perhaps a little unsure of the outcome or future?  That is what it would be like if you did not have EMS (Emergency Medical Services). You flip the switch and nothing happened.  If you picked up the phone and called 911 in an emergency and were told, sorry, no one is available, but we can get help there in a few days that would cause you alot of anxiety and would be unsafe. I had a Supervisor of Dover Township tell me," I've never needed an ambulance, so why should I support you now? "  I was a bit stunned.  He's never had a fire, but agrees to levy for fire services, and he's not had a domestic issues but pays for law enforcement. He pays for gravel for his township roads and bridges that he may never travel, and culverts for neighbors he'll never know, but when it comes to safety of himself and others, access to rapid, trained, emergency medical care he apparently doesn't think that is needed.  I wonder if the kid who had an allergic reaction to a bee, and we arrived to give lifesaving Epinepherine would agree, or the family who's dad had a heart attack and we rapidly identified the issue, and got them in for direct opening of blocked coronary vessels and survived to live more Christmas' and birthdays would agree? Maybe the person hit by a drunk driver and broke their back and ribs would have a different thing to say to this Town Supervisor about how we stabilized them and got them safely into the Level 1 trauma center without causing more injury, allowing them to one day walk again. Maybe the mom of the choking infant whom we turned from blue to pink with lifesaving breath and precision might have a different perspective.  They never thought they'd need us, but we were there when they did.   EMS has for too long relied on the generosity of people working in the shadows, volunteering thousands of hours of their time to keep us all safe . It is time to reach out share your voice, share your support and show how important EMS is in your community.  Lives matter. Don't let ignorant people speak on your behalf.  Be aware, informed, and engaged.  Support EMS. 


A Message from the Director

Today more than ever we need to have a Plan and Vision for what Emergency Services should mean to our communities. Emergency Medical Services are vital to our communities, their health and safety.  When you think about what's important to you, don't forget about the men and women who go out of their way to help you when you need them the most. Day or night, despite weather, or situation, they are there to help.

  We thank you for your support, and even if you can't be on the front lines with us, knowing you care, understand the importance, and see the value in what we are doing is critical to growing our commities together. Thank you, and always remember, we truly care and are committed to making this a better place to live. - Dr. C. Arendt