Archived Posts
Ambulance Service Annual CHICKEN FEED JULY 21, 2018- Eyota American Legion
A big success, Thank you to the hundreds of families and folks that showed up. Looks like we served over 850 people. Perfect weather, super sweet- sweet corn, and slow charcoal grilled chicken. It was a beautiful day, and fellowship we shared was wonderful. Thanks to the Crew who jumped in and made it happen, arriving as early as 5:30 in the morning to get the coals hot, and staying until it was all cleaned up! Amazing teamwork.
Despite the BLIZZARD, the Color Run was still on and Eyota EMS crew were there to keep people safe. April 2018
Crew provided First Aid support for the Fun Run intended to raise dollars and awareness for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
The Run was held both inside and out (for the ice lovers). Remind me to pack long johns and bring hot cocoa with marshmallows for the run next year!
A Message from the Director
Today more than ever we need to have a Plan and Vision for what Emergency Services should mean to our communities. Emergency Medical Services are vital to our communities, their health and our safety. When you think about what's important to you, don't forget about the men and women who go out of their way to help you when you need them the most. Day or night, despite weather, or situation, they are there to help. We thank you for your support, and even if you can't be on the front lines with us, knowing you care, understand the importance, and see the value in what we are doing is critical to growing our commities together. Thank you, and always remember, we truly care and are committed to making this a better place to live. - Dr. C. Arendt
Congratulations to Kathy Brian Paula and Gideon!
This April, 4 Eyota EMS crew were recognized for the outstanding service they provided on an Emergency call by the Olmsted County Sheriff's department. Sherriff Kevin Torgerson extended his appreciate and thanks.
Congratulations to Gideon P., Paula K., Brian S. and Kathy S. for going above and beyond to help a family and community.
(L-R) Brian, Gideon, Kathy and Paula
AHA CPR/First Aid/AED training for our Park & Rec Staff June 8th, 2017
Program Director Ryan Scheevel made sure the Park and Rec Team was prepared for this summers activities, keeping our youth safe. Thanks Ryan and the City for taking preparedness up to the next level! More than a half day education session was needed with hands on training.
CREW Operations Orientation and Skills Update
This last Thursday Crew gathered to polish some skills and for the newest members a chance to get operational orientation. WELCOME new team members.
Fun, educational, life changing.
Eyota Color RUN
Crew were on site at this years Color Run. A beautiful day in the mid 50's, perfect for a run. No one injured, and great times all around. Way to go!
Fire DEPARTMENT Training with Eyota EMS Crew
A few weeks ago, on a cold, windy and dark night, the Eyota EMS Crew practice patient extrication from a large Van along with the Eyota Fire Deparment, to better prepare all teams for removing a patient from such a vehicle. We learned about each others strengths, and opportunities for improvements. We worked hard that night to better understand the roles we each play and the help each can provide. It was a great learning opprotunity. Thanks Eyota Fire.
Amazing Award to Eyota EMS and the Region
THe Eyota Ambulance and townships and cities we serve were honored December 8th at the Hubert Humprey School of Public Affairs and by the Bush Foundation as one of the several recipients of the LGIA innovations award. Check out theLGIA web site for even more info. Also check out this KAAL Chanel 6New article on us! Or find us on EMS World.
Congratuations to Crew member Matt and new wifeKaitlin on their Marriage!
Little does Kaitlin know, that even though she's not a crew member, she is saving a life Too!
We love 'ya Matt!- Congrats
It's about the Journey
The most amazing part about being the director is that I get to be with incredible people. The crew of Eyota EMS makes this a success. In my 20+ years of directing, I've seen many people on the crew, with diverse backgrounds, talents, ideas, and opinion, but the one thing they all share is a drive for helping others. I have to say, I am extremely honored and humbled to have such an exceptional group of people on the crew.
WE NEED a 12 Lead ECG!
We are working to save pennies and dimes to afford a $36,000 piece of life-saving equipment. We've raised $14,000 so far... Got a dime to spare? Call Director Chris to see how you can help.
Check out our GO FUND ME page(Click to open)
Here is the Photo of our parade float mock up!
We made a GIANT Defibrillator Float. Yep it is pretty big with Defib pads spanning 3 feet x 4 feet! Shockingly impressive!
2 Great Training Scenarios for a fine afternoon
The sharp crackle of the pager goes off " Eyota EMS, you are requested to respond to the high school for a student who has fainted." SO many possible causes for concern, where do you begin? On a weekend in May the crew had the opportunity to hone their skills in assessing fainting spells, and later in a scenario involving breathing distress.
Time is critical, as this mock patient was bleeding internally and needs immediate attention. Crew go through the scenario and are given opportunity to succesed and to fail, and then are coached on the best possible approaches, based on evidence, experience and resources available. Then they are given opportunity to implement their new knowledge to create muscle memory. Their responses become reflexes.
Erin and Brandi interviewed their patient, creating a visual picture of the events leading up to this moment, gathering critical information to help direct their actions and plan of care. Hands on assessments, and practicing the scenario is a real help to hone the skills needed to be fast and effective in the field.
Birds Eye View
Recent testing of a drone resulted in a great eye in the sky picture of the Station.
Cold and bleeding in the Woods. Crew get ready for Hunting Season!
Dispatch to Eyota Ambulance, please repond to the woods for a 30 year old male shot though the leg, unresponsive and with his young daughter.The Eyota EMS crew trained November 8th in the thick woods adjacent to the grade school, learning about the management and treatment of penetrating injuries in anticipation of the hunting season. Joe Rowekamp and Dr. Chris Arendt presented 2 scenarios, one involving an accidental gunshot wound, the other a partial penetration arrow accident. In both scenarios the teams had to package their patient safetly, stabilizing wounds and hemodynamics in the pitch dark and cold woods, far from the road and rig. With the help of EMT Brian Smith and the Mason Family (Thanks Rob and Daughter) as the moulaged victims, the teams learned first hand about the complications of extricating a patient in the dark, managing cold exposure, and treating bleeds and shock. The teams were video recorded as part of the training to review and learn about opportunities to enhance their care and share best practices. Crew expressed their excitement about the realism of the scenarios, patients and learning points. This is just one of the many ways Eyota EMS is working to stay prepared, enhance team work and communications. " I can't stress enough how impressed I am at the quality of care and teamwork I see in the Eyota Crew", stated Dr. Arendt after the event. The next enhanced training in January will involve winter emergencies, pediatrics and perhaps a surprise even the crew wouldn't expect. Way to go Eyota EMS team!
Crew Train with help of a Bus and a Football Team!
The crew trained with help from the Dover Eyota School District with use of a retired bus and a 7th Grade Football team. Triage of patients was the theme for the education, honing the skills of crew for mass casualty incidents. Thanks to Mr. Hobbs for driving the bus over on a weekend, Joe Rowekamp for coordinating the training, and doing the art work for the injuries, and to Rob Mason for his role as injured bus driver and coach of the young athletes. A dozen pizzas were consumed after the event. Man, can those kides eat!
Recall, The Annual Eyota Days Ambulance Chicken Feed July 18, 2015 was great success!
Many thanks the the fantastic community members who not only came and enjoyed the awesome food, but alo to those who gave of their time to help serve food. Thanks to Tom and Jeanette Pries, Jim Schumann, Wayne schumann, James and Dorothy Arendt, Rob Mason, and many others who helped serve food, shuck corn and make the day a success. Thanks also the ambulance crew who gave of their time to serve food, be in the parade, and set up and take down the event. Our Chicken grillers, Jerry Wooner and Scott Brunsvold, with help from Jeff Koster deserve a special thanks for exceptionally well seasoned and grilled birds. It takes 40 hours of prep and cleanup to make the feed a reality. Hard to imagine 360 pounds of charcoal, 200 hot dogs, 800 quarters of chicken, thousands of ears of fresh picked sweet corn, hundreds of sweet diner rolls, and nearly 40 gallons of beans were consumed. Thanks to CHS ( Stewartville Plant) for the liquid propane needed to cook the corn and preheat the beans. Thanks to the Eyota Days Committee and Eyota American Legion for use of the Big Tent and tables, keeping everyone cool in the hot summer heat. Thanks also to Don from Don's Electric who helped get us the power needed for 12 roasters and 2 commercial cabinet warmers. If we didn't see you this year no worries! We'll see you at the 2016 Chicken feed.
First AID for Teachers
We're teaching the gradeschool and highschool teachers and aids AHA First Aid. While schools are required to have First Aid certified teachers, where they get the education can vary. We are proud to be asked to give education and preparedess training to out incredible educators in Eyota. Together we are partmerns in keeping our children safe.
The teachers at Dover Eyota Grade school did a fine job training for American Heart Association First Aid earlier last summer. About 40 teachers were in attendance at the Grade school class taught by Eyota EMS personnel, practicing their first aid skills, and learning and training on EpiPens for allergic emergencies. They were excited, engauged, and really a fun group to educate. Parents should feel good knowing their teachers are keeping their skills in First Aid up to date!
Our Story Continues:
"We've built a space filled with hope, on a solid foundation of trust and hard work, keeping an eye toward the future, while being part of today. Our success is a reflection of our vibrant community." Dr. Christopher Arendt, Director
In the first months of use we have seen a remarkable unmet community need fullfilled. Multiple training requests, township meetings and special group functions have been added to the calendar for use of the community room. Donations from Eastwood Insurance helped us get fire extinguishers for the facility after Captain Jerry Pike from the Eyota Fire Department came at our request to identify life safety needs. A donation from the Americal Legion allowed us to purchase a much needed washing machine to help sterilize and keep linens and blankets clean and fresh. Premier Security provided us an updated projector for the training room. Local contribution by Ed Kahler got us lawn seed before the cold snap, and Jim Schumann helped us prep the site and roll the seed into place with help from crew members. Plantings around the building were done by Teresa Bierbaum and other crew, and wood mulch was obtained and delivered by Jerry Wooner and crew. The Eyota Girl Scouts were a tremendous support, helping us move out of our former building and apartment, organizing a rummage sale fundraiser, as well as setting up and running a carnival at an open house event and during the rummage sale. These are remarkable young ladies with truely amazing parents. With their help we were able to raise funds to purchase technology like computers and monitors for the facility. Thanks to the support of the City of Eyota, City of Dover, and our Townships ( Eyota, Marion, Quincy, Viola, Haverhill and Dover), and the Hiawatha SnoSeekers Snowmobile Club, Dover Fire Relief Fund, and several dozen community members .
Through various fund raising activities this summer, the bare floors were tiled, carpeted and finished. Over 120 gallons of primer paint applied, and hundreds of linear feet of trim applied. Over 3 tons of tile were used in this project. All of the finishes, flooring and trim work were done by crew. Cabinets installed, and a kitchen came to life with used appliances purchased on Craigs List, and a kitchen island created by crew. Furniture donations, beds, desks and stools rounded out the donations, making the space livable. Already crew oncall enjoy the comforts of home while awaiting the next emergency. Most crew work on projects, education or take in a movie in the crew lounge while oncall. It's become even more of a family event, with a constant buzz of activity at the facility, abound with humor, pranks, and tomfoolery among the crew. This is tempered with extra education sessions and enhanced education the crew participates in. Now the mission of expanding into community wellness activities will begin.
We cannot thank the community enough for their support. Their investment will pay big dividends in community events, wellness, and emergency response quality. This is only the beginning of a grand adventure that could touch the lives of every member of the communities we serve. We've built a space filled with hope, on a solid foundation of trust and hard work, keeping an eye toward the future, while being part of today. Our success is a reflection of our vibrant community.
Please Contact Director Chris Arendt if you want to help or be part of our organization. Any contribution is welcome and appreciated! Volunteers are needed on many projects and we are always open to inteviewing new crew. We are a non-profit 501c3 organization, so your donations are tax-deductable! Feel free to contact Director Chris Arendt at 507-545-2868 or send you donation to: Eyota Volunteer Ambulance Service, 950 140th AVE SE, Eyota MN 55934.
Make a lasting and memorable donation
We proudly have a Tree of Life, wall of benefactors to recognize the contributions of our communities and any donations received on behalf of the project or in support of our mission to the communities.
Still needed:
Garage: $1000 (Garage cabinets, Battery Charger/Jumper, Compressor, mops and brooms)
Riding Lawn Mower ( Our 25 year old mower died in a blaze of glory)
Landscaping: Hardscapes ( Plantings): $800
Signage: $1000
East Parking Lot: Gravel and Blacktop: $22,000
Meeting Room: Audio-Visual Automation ($6000)
Thanks to a mystery donor!
A mystery donor left $100 on the windshield of a crew member with a note" For the Ambulance facility." To the Mystery donor... THANK YOU!! Every penny is being saved in an effort to give this community the BEST facility. Your random act of kindness will make a big difference.
We love our DOVER EYOTA Eagles!
Did you know?
Did you know the Eyota Volunteer Ambulance Service offers a $250 Scholarship each year to a Dover Eyota Graduating Senior in Loving memory of Mrs. Marian Pries, wife of Mr. Arthur Pries. Marian was a remarkable woman, who up to the age of 74 was still a vital EMT and member of our crew. She was the embodyment of true sacrafice and focus on the community. We offer this scholarship to a senior who has a medical career path, and demonstarted committment to helping others. If you are going to graduate in 2017, please be sure to ask your Guidance Counselor about the ambulance service scholarship.
Did you know we provide ambulance awareness education and class tours to the 3rd graders, and distribute Junior EMT coloring activity books. Thanks to the Principal and her staff for helping us make children more aware of when and how to call for help.
Add being a member of our crew to your " bucket list" !
There is nothing more satisfying than helping others for the sake of doing the right thing. Consider adding us to your bucket list. Be active in the community, helping those in need, being ready to help your family, friends, and neighbors. Call or email Chris or Vicki Arendt to learn more. Hit the "Contact Us" button, and we'll send you info on being part of the crew. Drivers, EMT"S ( We'll even get you the training), First Responders, all are important members of this vibrant crew. Make a difference today.
We're active and visible! Come Visit Us!
Viola Gopher Count Fireworks and Parade , as well as the Chester Woods Run in June each year are just a few of our summer activities. We tossed over 40 pounds of candy out at the parade and providing medical support for the runners last year.
We are at the Rochester Adaptive Park and Recreations "Day in the Park" and loved the company of the fantastic participants,. We have been part of the Eastwood Bank tailgating party, and several Home Football games providing emergency care.
If you see us, please stop us and meet the crew, and hop in the ambulance for a quick tour, but don't expect us to take you to the hospital unless your really ill!